
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 01:12 PM

She was talking to a snake, and it responded to her. If it weren't for her general fear of them, she might have found this entertaining. To see the way its jaw move and pronounce the words, with the obvious hiss with certain words, it was quite fascinating the snake could talk at all. Then, she shivered again when he rose up to meet her height. Half of his body was on the ground still. Just how much higher could he stand up? Skyfire shook her coat again, getting a grasp at the situation that a highly venomous snake was holding a conversation with her. A calm race? Perhaps when he's eaten something. Since he was being calm with her - unless it was some stupid trick - Skyfire would try to remain calm, also.

"My name is Skyfire." Sky introduced herself. She had a nickname, but that was only for the closest of friends she had. Koby was an interesting name for a snake, especially since she didn't think snakes could be named, but regardless of that Koby was an explorer. This perked her ears up a little because she was also trying to learn navigation. Especially since she was now alone. "Navigation? Sure, I suppose I could work with you." As much as I'd like to have you slither away... Sky thought to herself. Another lesson her mother taught her was to be courageous in any situation she found herself in - this was one of them.

"Where we are now is the Sunset Falls. Down below, and to the left, is the Hot Springs where I first found myself in these new lands. I'm not sure what is in that direction behind me." Skyfire said as she pointed upriver behind her, away from the falls. The river itself seemed to lead back to some rapids, and a rather flowery field. Skyfire could smell it from here. Also, she could smell the volcano off to her left, and saw the massive mount sleeping. "That must be the volcano that erupted recently." she said, pointing to Mount Volkan.

Post two of three for Navigation

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."