
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 02:59 PM by Skyfire.)

Skyfire grinned awkwardly in his excitement, but decided to push forward. One thing that Skyfire had in her personality was stubbornness. If she set out to do something, by gods she would do it! The tongue flicking faster must have meant he was happy about her going with him. "Does your kind smile? That's usually what we do when we express happiness." It was merely a curious statement considering this was the first time she was talking to a snake. At least he was being kind. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Skyfire had come after the volcano's aftermath, but she had seen the damage. It might have been a nightmare to have experienced. The most Skyfire had ever been through was a severe thunder and windstorm. The thunder was the scariest part as the booming sounded overhead. Her brothers liked it.

As Koby moved toward the pools, he pointed something out that Skyfire had missed. Seeds that had been planted by someone who cared. Skyfire looked surprised as she got a closer look. "Where there isss desstruction there will be growth after." Koby sounded philosophical for a moment. She glanced at him a moment, then back to the seeds, in thought as she listened. "I suppose there will be. That's kind of cool, actually." Skyfire said softly as she turned to see Koby slithering forth. Now that she was behind him, she got a chance to see his scales better.

His back was a shade of midnight black that was stunning. As the scales glistened in the breaking periods of sunshine, she admired their appearance of texture which was as smooth as flat water. Hardly ever a blemish on each scale. The way he moved back and forth was almost hypnotizing. It was also fascinating to see that he was lifted halfway off the ground to move rather than his head being mere inches above it. How was he moving anyway? Were there muscles that propelled him forward? If Skyfire were to try and figure it out by mimicking the movement, it would hardly be becoming of her. Skyfire had standards she had to hold herself up to.

Skyfire caught up to him and followed him up the hill further curious as to where this would lead. "How long have you been exploring?" she asked.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."