
Overlooking the kingdom from my throne



3 Years
04-21-2020, 03:31 PM

"So you're a Princess without a Kingdom. Do you plan to sulk around the Hot Springs for a time?"

Skyfire scoffed and looked off to the side. Of course she didn't intend to be here the rest of her life! It's frickin' fall, okay? Winter was coming and she had no home. This was her second winter coming, but her first to be by herself. When she was a pup still, only a few months old, her parents took care of she and her siblings so they had nothing to worry about. Now? She didn't have a den or any of her warm furs to sleep on. Not to mention she didn't know what the animals did in winter. Where would she get her food besides scavenging?

"The Ashen Empire - of which the Armada is a part of - can always use new bodies. There are ways to rise in an Empire, if you wish to be somebody again."

Skyfire glanced at Sirius. Who did he think she was? Some desperate pup who didn't know how to take care of herself? Well. That she was, but that was besides the point! She wasn't that desperate to join any old pack and stoop to lower levels just to get by. The opportunity that was present, however, was to make a name for herself and to earn her keep. Well - she would have to do that anyhow wouldn't she? It was her opportunity to prove to everyone else that she was to be respected and revered and that she wouldn't tolerate anyone that wouldn't even give her a proper greeting!

The smirk that Sirius had played of something else too. A test? A test to see how she would react and if she would take him up on his offer? His Armada pack sounded like a group of sweaty, stinky, fighters that did nothing more than protect themselves from threats, and eat maybe once in a while. Ew. If she joined the Armada, then she would have to get sweaty and stinky herself, wouldn't she? You didn't get the things you wanted without working for it. If her father could put up with it, and her mother, then she would too. If this was a test to see how she would handle herself, then she would show him up!

"Yeah... yeah. I'll join your armada. I want my name back!" Skyfire exclaimed, stomping her foot.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."