
In the Dead of Night



8 Years
08-25-2013, 11:15 PM

He leaned into the nuzzle, even though it jabbed his muscles against bone, gently nuzzling her neck, before he pulled away to recline. He words helped to lighten his still lingering anguish. ?I make you happy?? There was such genuine pleasure in those words he spoke. He gave a small grunt as he weight fell on him, pressing some of the air out of his lungs, and he situated himself a little more comfortably, so that he was beside her. Her reply to his question made him study her. Two could tease that way. He dropped his voice to a croon, using the tones he?d only ever used in Blackmoon, though inwardly he cringed at the sound. The croon of death? And yet here, there was love there instead.

?Well what?? A paw rose, and lay on her back, digging into the musculature in an almost kneading fashion as moss greens studied her shrewdly. ?I think I could outrun him, but what about your brother?? The crooning tone was still there, his eyes hooded slightly. He personally didn?t think the look he must have on his face would be all that appealing. ?You make me happy, too, Zalea. You confuse the hell out of me, but? I?ll bear it because you make me happy. Your adventurous, mischievous spirit. You make me look closer at things, instead of scanning only for danger. You made me realize how lovely the sky is, when the sun is setting, or when stars spangle it?s darkness. You make me see purple flowers for more than the possibility of their poisons. You make my heart tremble. But you make it soar too.? His muzzle was pressed to her ear as he spoke.

His stomach gurgled softly, silently. ?And you make me hungry.? He growled those words into her ear, blowing a puff of breath into it. Playful. He felt better, hunger was a good sign.