
Walker Family



08-25-2013, 11:21 PM

So hiiiiii ^w^. This is Seimei here and I roleplay this lovley girl Rivaxorus Walker. She has two surviving relative that don't have roleplayers. And since well it'd be boring for me to rp them xD I'm putting an adoption thread up for them. Yes they already have names but I give freedom to mostly....mostly.....some things. I'll give you their parents info, and yeah xD.

[Image: 213axj.png]

So since I don't have another pic of her at the moment this is a manip of riv(her patch is on the wrong side so just ignore that) She takes after her mother in colors, ending up with her fathers stripes but with brown instead of the black that he had. You can read about her by clicking my profile name.

Let's start with Allen.

Allen Walker, He's four years old and comes from the same litter as Riv. His parents are Zeref and Mary. Mary is a brown colored wolf with light blue eyes(I would like him to have her eyes but you don't have to.) she also has a pure black tail. Zeref on the other hand is a gray wolf with darker gray stripes on his back and stomach along with his paws and ears. He has pure red eyes. While I did want him to be the loving brother type....he did run off with his sisters son believing that he would leave him to a new world(he often calls Hajime king). I'll give you his parents personalities and the environment he grew up in. You can see more info about him in Riv's history. Zeref, Zeref was a nasty man with a very dirty mind. Anything he wanted he went for, he was a killer and a rapist. Riv his daughter killed him after he tortured her and abused her. Zeref was a fairly wrong wolf in his head and viscous standing at 40 inches in height. He mated with many females so Allen and Riv probably have more half siblings but where, no clue. Mary, mary was a kind and sweet wolf who believed she could bring out some good in Zeref. She was his main female, and she had a sense of justice to her while having a bit of a temper. Though she was seen as nothing in Zeref's eyes after dying giving birth to Riv and Allen. Allen after separated at birth grew up with a single male foster father. Who one day vanished and he went to meet up with his birth sister.

Sorry if that's like a lot of information O.o On to Hajime and then I will give you a form. Roleplayers will be picked on Thursday.

Hajime Walker, Hajime walker is a year of age and Riv's only surviving son. Of course you know Riv's appearance, his father's name was Izaya who died before he was born. Izaya was a black wolf with red eyes, he had gray sleeves on each of his paws. Izaya was a very interesting wolf, he was intrigued with every other wolves life. While a very frisky player at things, he wasn't all evil even though he himself didn't with to be a wolf. He was a con artist to simply put until he died. Hajime before running off with Allen as a "king" since of their royal heritage, killed his older adopted son Tanner. Who was plotting to kill Riv though no one knows that besides him. While only a year old, he's supposed to be a bit smarter than average.

So there you have them.


Who are you adopting?:;

Appearance:; 150 words

Personality:; 150 words

Roleplay sample:;

That's all I need. If you want to switch their names around try to convince me, but I'd like it if they stay the same. BLA BAM. I feel like this will never work -.-. You can pay for whatever you like on them, like if you want them to have stripes ect, but that's all on you.

NOTE :; Riv is my girl who is going into Seracia but will be creating her own pack with a royal family. So when she gets enough posts Hajime and Allen are free to join the pack and will have high ranks. Also makes it so Riv only has to find three more wolves to make it official.