
Like a Good Neighbor! [R A I D]

Winterfell vs Abaven Raid



1 Year

VolcanoChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-21-2020, 06:40 PM

Desolate knew he was unable to keep this up much longer, his face felt as if half of it had been torn off and it was becoming harder to clearly see out of his left eye. Her teeth had gouged painful lines across his cheek and along his muzzle but it was sheer luck that it hadn't been deeper. If she was perhaps even a few inches closer to him when she bit he may have lost chunks of flesh instead. Panic flooded through the yearling as she continued her assault, barely feeling the hard shove upon his rear leg as her companion came to assist.

While he'd done his best to knock Bellamy unconscious the she wolf had stayed too alert and aware for his liking. He needed to end this now. Desolate felt his fury peak within him and stamped his paw down upon her muzzle to hold it to the ground. He stood over her and snarled as fiercely as he could muster, the blood from his facial wound pouring down. While a part of him wanted to pain the wolf the same way she'd done to him, he felt her desperation too and perhaps somewhere deep within him he recognized the fear for what it was. He wanted to show her what he could do to her, and by holding her without retaliation aimed to prove he was the better wolf. He was reminded of his mother fleetingly, though the yearling was not sure why.

At some point, the stranger's struggles slowed and Desolate realized she was no longer fighting as hard to stand. Whether his internal message got through to her or not he did not know, but he did know he had to get off the battlefield before something happened they'd both regret. His teeth remained on blatant display and his tail stood up high in the air, Desolate wanted her to know she'd been bested and came away relatively unharmed because he chose it. The pride he had for himself was the only thing keeping him sane, from letting go and retaliating for her attempted maim.

Slowly, he lifted his paw from her face and stepped back. Not for a moment did he let his defenses drop or make any attempt to appear less threatening. He did not let his eyes off his opponent until he felt he was a safe distance away, after which he sprinted out of the clearing towards where he knew the healers were set up.  

