
In My City


08-25-2013, 11:30 PM

She was cute when she was flustered, obviously struggling to comprehend what he had just said he to her. Well he had said that he was here because he had met a pretty girl up north and she had said she was here for a similar reason. It made sense to him but maybe not so much to her. Either way he had gotten the reaction he was looking for.

It was easy to tell the effect he was having on her, especially during the silence that surrounded them for that time. Her breathing slowed and he couldn't help but chuckle softly, a slightly breathless sound. But as she continued on, sounding almost hurt at his compliment of her eyes, fishing for more compliments he was happy to oblige. "Well, what about my... hips?" she asked even though the movement of her body was enough of a hint towards what she had been planning to ask. Her rear raised up in a play boy stirred something within him.

"When did we start talking about you?" He asked, frowning now as he tipped his head as if honestly confused. But once again he couldn't keep a straight face for long and he chuckled, throwing her a wink before his eyes swept once more over her body. "Are we playing the stroke Azalea's ego game? Because I'm good at it," he promised, smile turning devilish as he stood, shaking out his black coat before starting a slow circle around her in much the same way she had done to him.

Only his eyes were closed as he started his walk around her. "The first thing I noticed was the long legs, even if they were all over the place on the ice. Next was the waist line trailing down to your hips." He spoke easily, confidently as he leaned down to first trail his maw a hairs width above her foreleg closest to him and then along her side. He barely touched the hairs as he motioned to the area between her ribs and her hip bones but his hot breath would cascade teasingly over her skin.

"But I shouldn't be wasting your time like this. Don't you have better things to do Madame Temptress?" He was smiling as he came to stand before her again, head tipped and eyes glittering devilishly. Oh the fun they could have together if only she would let her take her with him...
