
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 07:41 PM by Skyfire.)
(replying without table tonight)

She wondered if the snake was blind. His statement confirmed it. From the movement and the way he looked at things, Skyfire had been suspicious. "Just how far can you see?" she asked as she slightly got closer to look at his eyes, which for some cases was a dumb move. For her, however, she didn't feel threatened enough (not was she probably thinking) and her curiosity ruled the better of her. To answer his question, she nodded. "At one time, I was a princess. However, since the skirmish, I've got nothing tied to my name, so I have to start from scratch." she said. When he asked if he could humor her with a reading, she blinked and thought for a moment. Why not? A fortune told for her wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?

Skyfire nodded, obliged to do this for him. Talking to a snake and exploring the land was not so bad it seemed. Maybe there were more snakes like him. "Sure. I'll go catch a rabbit. Just need to get my bearings." she said as she looked past the waterfalls again. "The run rises in the east...." she said as she looked to the sky and moved her head down to the horizon behind Koby toward the east. "Which is that way. Which means west is this way, down the waterfalls." Sky said as she looked down the falling water. "So to get back to the hot springs, I have to travel west to where those rabbits were. I wonder if I go east a bit that I will find a rabbit. Hang tight!" she said as she ran off behind Koby.

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