
In the Dead of Night



6 Years
08-25-2013, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 11:37 PM by Azalea.)

Sarak was gentle, carefully nuzzling her in return. Tender was a better word. Careful not to break her. It was she who should be careful with him, in his emaciated state is was very much breakable. ?I make you happy?? Her mind filtered quickly through the potential responses and opted to make the male even happier he was to hear her say those words. "Very." She accentuated on it. She owed him this show of affection after making him feel rejected.

Her words were greeted with a stare, Sarak's green eyes looking at her. ?Well what?? She blinked, the only reaction she could possibly know to make. He laid a paw over her, and for a second she thought maybe he was going to get up... but she was wrong. ?I think I could outrun him, but what about your brother?? So they were back to that? She looked very put off now but frowned openly at the idea of her brother. "He wouldn't dare." There was a defensive growl in her tone but she knew her brother would dare, in fact he would walk right over Azalea to destroy Sarak or any male if he thought that was what was best for his sister.

?You make me happy, too, Zalea. You confuse the hell out of me, but? I?ll bear it because you make me happy. Your adventurous, mischievous spirit. You make me look closer at things, instead of scanning only for danger. You made me realize how lovely the sky is, when the sun is setting, or when stars spangle it?s darkness. You make me see purple flowers for more than the possibility of their poisons. You make my heart tremble. But you make it soar too.? The whole while he spoke his nose was to her ear and she was shivering with spastic thrills of joy. She confused herself more than anyone, surely.

As his stomach rumbled, awkwardly breaking the moment, Sarak growling in her ear. It was a deep rumble that rang through her body. Could he tell that her temperature had risen? ?And you make me hungry." She couldn't help herself from breaking into a smile and pulling back from him. "Well, that's a relief!" Azalea really did look relieved. Sarak needed to eat and get his weight back up, he was not being healthy.