
Crafty Hunters [Mint]



2 Years
04-21-2020, 08:48 PM

As the older male informed her of the Fox's names she glanced over at them with a bloody grin. They offered cheeky nods and she nodded right back. "Hi there!" It was not every day Mint got to meet two Fox's as seemingly nice as these. Most were territorial thieves in her experience. Nevertheless, she got back to work as he began to instruct her on their plans. Continue seperating skin from meat, flip, and then continue. Mint figured it was simple enough and really appreciated the direction. Domari was older and seemingly a bit more experienced. Any sort of knowledge she could obtain was welcomed.

Mint continued to separate the hide by pulling it with her teeth. She was very careful to not puncture the skin too much. Mint wanted the edges to look like a master did it. The work was tedious, messy, and very time consuming but they were making good time. Two minds were superior to one, most the time. She couldn't help but to think of how the hide would look in her new den at Fireside. It still needed some work but in time it would look lovely with the addition of a Deer pelt to sleep on.

As Domari took a break he spoke to her. Mint raised her head as well to respond, "No I am not. I only just arrived here about a season ago. But, I have found residence in a pack in the south." It was pretty far from the Estuary. But, she was use to traveling due to having been a rogue for a bit. "Are you a member of the pack nearby?" Mint moved to continue pulling as she patiently waited for a reply.