
She won't ever win


Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2020, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 09:01 PM by Mercy II.)

The day had been full of aimless wandering, skeptical eyes on the lands around her. She wasn't so sure what was so special about this area, but apparently it had been a burnt up pile of ash years and years ago, the forest catching like kindling and burning to the ground. Her purple eyes sparkled at the thought, a mischievous grin twisting on her inky lips at the thought. That would have been quite the sight to see, better so than the splashes of pink that dotted her vision now. Mercy had a feeling that it was seen as a romantic place, soft petals drifting slowly to the plus ground below. Barf. Pink wasn't a wonderful colour anyways, she much preferred red. A huff filtered out of her maw as she kicked at the earth below, grumbling to herself. Shoulders rolled forward, pulling at the collar that nestled with a familiar pressure against her. It was strange, being alone in this place, but she had to see what all the hype was about. She had heard all about these lands by her mother, who heard it from her adopted mother before her. Even though they weren't related by blood, apparently Mercy looked quite like her namesake, right down to the scar that she had gotten as a pup. She couldn't help but roll her eyes constantly at her mother when she said that, it was all too obvious that she worshiped the Mercy before her. Seemed a little fucked up, if you asked her, it came off as way more than an adopted daughter and mother kind of relationship, but she really didn't care to press further about it. Maybe that's why her dam had stuck her with this name, and raised her the way that she did. In some ways, it was almost like she wanted her to be just like her. Whatever, she was gone now, and there was no looking back. She needed to make a name for herself now, all on her lonesome.

As she wove around the sparse trees, the massive wolf saw movement ahead of her. Her head snapped upwards, purple eyes locking onto the half red girl that skirted the area before her. Mercy was not bashful at all, and kept her eyes trained on her as she took a few steps forward, large pads slapping the ground. At last the other heard her, turning and staring at her. A single black marked brow rose as she watched the other openly inspect her, a cocky grin twisting her lips upwards. She did nothing to stop it, just watching the other stare. Unlike herself though, it would seem that the other female was embarrassed when their eyes locked, looking away quickly. Mercy let out a chuckle as she move forward, tail swirling behind her. "No shame in liking what you see," Came her sweet words, nearly sounding like a purr as she closed the distance between them. There was no complaining on her end, she rather liked to be admired anyways. Her nostrils flared as she drank in the scent of the stranger, picking up nothing that told her of a pack. It wasn't like she would care too much about crossing borders, but getting into a fight in her first few days in the East would be, well... rather like herself, actually. She snorted at her own inner thoughts, refocusing her attention to the girl in front of her. She seemed to be around the same age as herself, body cloaked in reds and whites. Pretty, there was no doubt about that. The other was pretty tall, she guessed, but it was hard to compare to herself. There was no one as tall as her that she had had the pleasure of meeting, just yet anyways. "Name's Mercy, and what does my pretty little admirer go by?" Flirting in her first interaction, classy. Good thing that Mercy bore no shame whatsoever.

[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.