
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 09:21 PM
Koby was not surprised to hear that her family had used fortune tellers. His father once told him that others would have their services bought. Or a deal had to be made, many of them did not even know the craft. Koby hated that, so he always offered it for free. "It doesss not ssuprisse me, thosse who asssk for profit normally are fake." he noted as he slithered forward to her bones. She didn't eat the ears! Well he didn't blame her and it was a fascinating note. Ear bones associated themselves with bad luck usually. Maybe it was a good thing she didn't eat them.

"My venom takess only half an hour to kill depending on ssize, larger animalss an hour at most." He commented, though hoping it didn't scare her that was not the point. The snake began using his mouth to push around the bones. Getting a feel for them and their scent as he then began to clump them together in various patterns. "Yess, in fact I'd like to sssee if one of my teeth iss broken. You'll sssee I have two bumpss on the roof of my mouth where my fangss are housssed they are retractable but pleasse be careful not to touch when you ssee them. Then I have two rowss on top of tiny teeth and two rowss on the bottom. Alsso a long tube below my tongue, that isss how I breath while eating. King Cobrass eat their food whole." he simply wanted to explain some things. In that moment he opened his mouth. Of course his tiny teeth were in perfect condition and his top as well. His fangs hidden but he release the razor sharp .4 inches that could drip with venom at any moment. He felt anxious, so he quickly hid them again. Hoping he had given her enough time to see the inside of his mouth he shut them. "Sssorry, opening my mouth in front of othersss sseems rude it made me nervouss." he said bashfully as he continued prodding at the bones.

"Our main diet iss mainly other sssnakess ssurprissingly. Though in timess of need we will prey on sssmall mammalss jusst like you. My favorite sssince I haven't ssseen any ssnakes isss fish. However, we alssso only need eat oncce every few monthsss on sssmaller prey and oncccee every five monthss on bigger prey or sssnakess." Koby explained, as finally there he saw it. Three shapes, the past, the present and the future. He flickered his tongue in excitement. "Done." he stated with a chipper tone.