
She won't ever win




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-22-2020, 07:36 PM
The words she received in reply to her unintentional staring made that blush that had started on her cheeks feel like it had spread to the rest of her body. Her ears folded back and she looked back up at the larger woman with startled eyes. For once the energetic girl was out of words as she tipped her head so that her blue gaze could meet the other's purple eyes. She had never been spoken to in such a way and it just felt so unexpectedly... scandalous. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out so she just shut it again. Her heart was beating rapidly against her ribcage, but she couldn't quite figure out why. There was still the embarrassment of being found out from her lapse in social norms, but there was some mix of worry or fear that crept in there too. She was just a speck of a wolf in comparison with the solid white woman in front of her and it was easy to feel dwarfed by her in comparison. There was also... excitement? That was the only word Elise could think of to describe the nerves that twisted in her stomach at the obvious flirting that was being thrown her way.

"I-I'm Elise," he replied, her ears flicking again when she heard the stamper in her own voice. She started trying to pull herself up to meet the confidence that this other woman seemed to radiate, but she wasn't sure if it actually showed on the surface. It was probably ridiculous for her to get so flustered just by someone just calling her pretty, but she had never had anyone be so brash in their approach and it had shaken her. She cleared her throat and tried to pull back her shoulders as she stood a little taller, doing her best to ignore the damn race her heart was running in her chest. "Um... Sorry for staring like that, I just... Um..." So incredibly smooth. "I just didn't realize anyone else was out here, that's all," she insisted as she began to regain some form of composure, trying her best to play off what was already a hopeless case of nerves. She didn't know if there was any coming back from how this interaction had begun, but her brain seemed to be insistent on her trying.