
Go on, take your money and run


08-26-2013, 12:20 AM


She watched happily as he devoured the fish, glad to know that he had some food in his belly now. It was a step in the right direction to get some meat on his bones and help him grow up strong. She was sure he was a yearling by now, but he still had some growing to do. She made a mental note to be sure to show him some things about fishing some time soon. She remembered well their tip back from the emerald island and how well he swam and she had a feeling that fishing would be a breeze for him as well with proper training.

Her ears perked up at his question, considering it for a moment before nodding in agreement. She hated to be going back to the cold north so soon, but she was sure someone would notice her absence if she was gone for too long and the last thing she wanted was Isardis or one of his minions to come looking for her. And yet... She still hated to hurry back. Maybe they could take a detour of some sort if he wanted to. "We sure will! We don't have to hurry there if you don't want to. Is there anywhere or anyone you'd like to visit first?"