
The plight of the gardener




3 Years

Valentines 2020
04-23-2020, 12:21 AM

Saren’s plotting for a garden was interrupted by the arrival of another wolf. Looking over at them they weren’t one he remembered seeing, even as a pup. Granted Saren hadn’t put much effort into meeting his pack members as a pup, he’d put more effort into it now though. So far his time in the pack hadn’t been too bad, he had just been busy. Nobody had insulted him or tried to fight with him, as far as Saren was concerned that was a win. He had a den to himself where he could be alone and surround himself with things that he loved. That was really all he wanted as a child, a place to call his own and be alone. Hopefully now that he had one his mental state would be alright and not turn him into a wolf who moped about all day and didn’t do anything.

There wasn’t any need for him to be scared of new people anymore, he had a safe place. Saren smiled at the other wolf and replied “You’re fine, I’m just making plans for a new garden. It’s nice to meet you Aureus, I’m Saren. Thalia’s brother.” He wasn’t quite sure how the man would react to hearing he was Thalia’s brother, but he wanted to give them a point of reference as to who he was. If they reacted poorly then he’d leave it out the next time he met a pack wolf.

He noticed that Aureus had brought something and it wasn’t quite obvious what he was planning on doing. He had some pieces of leather, which Saren was curious about how he had made but currently he was more curious about what they were going to do with them. Once he had noticed the pieces his eyes had focused on them more than they did the other wolf. He might be more social now, but that didn’t mean that making things didn’t interest him. The boy tentatively asked, “What are you planning on doing with those?”