
Mmm, Five Guys



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
04-23-2020, 10:40 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 09:35 PM by Kai.)
Kai wasn't quite sure what he was doing here. He, too, felt completely and utterly tied down - though since the raid with Abaven, he was halfway done to repaying his debt he had never consented to, and he should be feeling accomplished more than anything. But he wasn't, and that was why his restless paws carried him far from the north. He wasn't sure how long he'd been traveling... days, maybe? Occasionally he stopped to rest when it suited him, only to keep moving as soon as he awoke, in search of food or entertainment, or both.

The sound of a call, ringing out across the land he was currently exploring, caught his attention. It was hard to tell precisely what the voice wanted - it was female, and sounded around his age, and it sounded vaguely familiar to him - though it was laced with frustrated longing. Now, that was something he could relate to. Ears swiveled toward the sound as the tusked male redirected himself toward the sound.

Unfortunately, by the time the grey and red-marked male reached the source of the call, someone else had apparently come to investigate too. The female wasn't quite perfectly his type, but he couldn't deny her attractiveness; nor that of the male, who was quite a bit younger. Another long look cast at the female reminded him that they'd met once before, and his eyes brightened at the realization. Kai raised a brow as he drew closer, having not caught the male's words, only that he had been spoken. "Not just one beautiful stranger, but two - am I really so lucky on this fine day?" A faint grin touched his lips as he took a few strides closer, shamelessly examining the two of them.