
Be Home By Dusk

Sirius, Killian

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-23-2020, 11:19 PM

Odette was so excited she could barely contain herself. Her tail flicked and her paws shuffled far too frequently as she awaited at the border of the territory. Her invisible bars pressed against her back and the keys to her freedom so irresistibly close. Killian was kind enough to offer to lead Odette on a hunt beyond the confines of the pack territories, and it would be Odette's first chance to truly explore the world beyond the Armada. Since she had come to Boreas in the west, she had almost immediately run into the Armada, and had been under their protection since. Their move from the west to the east was the most Odette had seen of the rest of the continent, but it was from the confines of the carts they rode in. Perhaps today, if they were lucky, Sirius would grant the warrior permission and Odette would get the chance to freely hunt in populated lands, and with her new best friend at that!

So the fawn woman sat by the border, obnoxiously early as usual, waiting for their arrivals. Odette was unsure if Killian had already met with the Warlord on the subject, or if he intended to call him to the border today, but either way the female was just excited to have this opportunity. With the sun just starting to peak over the horizon, the early morning chirps of song birds starting to crack through the canopies beyond, the time was almost upon her. Cerulean blue orbs scouted the nearby area, searching for either of the familiar dark furs to come out of the grass lands. Every brush of wind along the blades of grass had Odette's ear's turning endlessly, eyes jumping from spot to spot anxiously. Today was going to, hopefully, be a very big day!


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.