
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-24-2020, 11:03 AM

Casso listened obediently when Elizabeth told him to listen, taking in all of her recommendations for ways he might be able to manage his issues a bit better. He hadn't really put much time or effort into practicing his fishing skills since the few times that he had done it the task had been slow moving and a bit boring, but if she was so certain that it could give him a bit of relief then perhaps it was worth revisiting. Perhaps now would be a great time to give it a go since he wouldn't be hunting any fast moving or larger prey for a little while with his leg injured like this. He looked at the water that was currently infusing with the lavender with a curious glance, making notes of how she was preparing it in case he ever wanted to do this for himself. It was sure to be something he would need again in the future.

His ears flicked forward with interest when she asked if the pack he was referring to was called Valhalla. His head tipped slightly in thought and he tried to remember if his mother or aunt had ever referred to their old pack with that name. It seemed familiar, but he wasn't entirely certain. His memories tended to be a bit lost and foggy unless there was some kind of trauma or strong emotion to help pin them down. "It might be... I'm not entirely sure what the name of it was. My mother and aunt grew up there though and my uncle Regulus should still be there if aunt Baine was right." He had no reason to doubt his aunt and the validity of her statements, but there was always the possibility of Regulus having passed away before they arrived or that maybe the pack the remembered was no more. He wouldn't know for sure until he found them or if Elizabeth was able to confirm he was on the right path.

When she explained that she had recently joined Valhalla as a healer for them, he paused with a small, thoughtful frown. He had been fine with simply waiting here for his wound to heal up a bit, but considering that Elizabeth would be going back to the pack after this he worried that he might be found out before he was ready to face them. He didn't like having to ask her to keep a secret, but he wasn't sure if he would have much of a choice. "If you don't mind... Could you avoid telling them I'm here? I'll come find them soon enough, it's just... I swore to my aunt that I would be fine on my own and I don't want her to see me like this." If she did tell one of his family members that he was hiding out near by then he wouldn't be angry with her, but if he could just have a week or two to get himself in order first he would be incredibly grateful. He wasn't sure if she'd even run into his aunt in that time, but he wanted to be sure he covered his bases just in case. "My aunt Baine... she knows about me and my issues, but she's the only one now that my mother is gone... Well, and you now too, I guess." That slight curve of a smile returned to his muzzle as he gave her an apologetic glance. He hated sharing his problems. If they had met any other way he would have never shared so much about himself, but there was nothing to be done about it now.

"Speech" Thought