
I Won't Be Left

for casso



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
04-24-2020, 11:22 AM
Kiela's journey to Boreas had been a long one, but it had no doubt been rewarding. Leaving her family's tribe was something she'd anticipated doing since she was a very young child, but when the opportunity struck, she had difficult finding reasons to stay. The group was strong, and the herds back home were faring well, well enough that she didn't feel obligated to stay. It wasn't a secret that quite a few members of her family had made a home elsewhere, on a continent known as Boreas. The northern lands supposedly weren't all that different from their homelands, and boasted a healthy herd of caribou. Tending to one single herd for the rest of her life wasn't an agreeable thought for her; while the Jarvela and their allies were of a healthy number, it only made sense to extend their reach and go elsewhere.

Her departure wasn't a particularly sad affair. Coming and going was a natural part of life, and she bid her family a warm farewell before starting her trek. Now, after weeks of travel this was where she'd ended up. Her paws were badly in need of rest - actual rest, not just a few hours of fitful sleep. Her journey up the side of this treacherous mountain had been a feat in itself, but her soul felt as invigorated by the climb as her paws felt tired. There was no way she could reach the peak, at least not that she could see so far, but the impressive waterfall she'd encountered was good enough for her.

Her mood was pensive as she slowed her pace, the giant female coming to recline on her haunches near a column of jagged rocks, just near the base of the falls. She was grateful for a moment to stop and rest, and hoped she might find somewhere more permanent to stop before nightfall. Orange eyes locked onto the slate grey cliffs as she examined them from a distance, watching the way the water crashed violently over the cliffside before pouring down into the bowl below.