
Raring to Go



Missing from Armada

2 Years
04-24-2020, 08:02 PM

An indignant little squeal reached her ears, and Mal huffed crossly as she rolled to a halt. She had been in the groove -- what could this interloper possibly want right now? She turned, her green gaze locking onto the overgrown pup that was springing her way. 'One of the heirs.' She recognized him from the meeting, when Sirius had announced their competing status to the pack, but she'd never interacted with the boy before now. Mortis had been sweet and cheerful when she'd met him. Azure shared his energy, but his surly greeting was the farthest thing from sweet.

Her eyebrows shot skyward at his possessive little rant, and a moment passed before she let loose a brisk laugh, her tail swishing with amusement. Oh, he may be bigger than her, with an impressive set of paws to boot, but shining through it all was the fact that he was still, very much, a child. Perhaps Mal had been just as assertive when she was the same age -- gods know her mother allowed it -- but she couldn't remember being outright rude.

"See, it's actually my thing." Well, as far as she knew it was everyone's thing, because who the heck owned training styles? But she was only a yearling herself, and no one ever that said Mal was diplomatic.

She took a step towards him, her posture all ease. "Who says I can't have it?"  She paused for a few heartbeats. "Wait, don't tell me, because I don't care. Now, if you don't have anything important to say, I'm going to keep training, your highness." With a flick of her hears, she turned to move away from him, and perhaps to the actual training grounds. Her words had dripped with sarcasm, but it's not like Mal was trying to be mean. His protest was just a little ridiculous, and, kid or no, she wasn't about to put up with it.
