
Tell me sweet little lies




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-24-2020, 09:54 PM

He was angry. He was confused. He wanted so badly to believe that his dream had all been a lie, that he hadn't actually talked to Ganta, and what his father had told him wasn't true at all. Furious anger twisted at his gut in a way that he wasn't at all familiar with and as he pulled himself back to the falls he tried his best to reign himself in. He didn't want to throw around any accusations until he got the real truth out of his sister, but it was hard to do. Nothing mattered to him more than his family, but to know that his own sister put his niece in danger out of... what... pride? He didn't even really know her reasons, not yet, but he would. He would find the truth if it was the last thing he did.

Ulric reached the falls where his family had been staying since he returned with Roza and Nausicaa and he stoped, his eyes scanning the area as he looked for his sister. Then the smell of blood hit him. It made his fur bristle and a flash of panic was added to the already overwhelming mix of emotions that was stirring in his gut. He rushed toward the den Philomena had been sharing with her daughters and immediately found Meme, clearly fresh from a fight and bloody. Worry gripped his gut and his eyes went to Philomena, the sight of her pulling that anger back to the surface.

"What happened?" he asked, barely keeping himself together as he questioned his sister, but trying desperately to do it for Meme's sake. Being out of control like this was so outside of the realm of how he usually handled things, but everything about this went against what he believed and wanted. "Why is she here? We should get her to Valhalla so she can get some help." His teeth grit together as he looked accusingly at Philomena. He wouldn't let history repeat itself. He absolutely would not allow it. He hadn't been here to talk sense in to her the first time, but he would never let that be the case again.