
Tell me sweet little lies




4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
04-24-2020, 11:41 PM
Ulric raising his voice at her had Philomena snarl. She moved in front of Memento now, about to speak, when he spoke of Venti. That was it.

“Shut. Up.” Her eyes were narrowed and her lips peeled back in a snarl. “You of all wolves should know DAMN well why I’m hesitant to trust someone just because of blood. It worked out so well when I trusted our uncle, didn’t it?” Her words had become cold, laced with venom. “Meme wanted Cel here. She wanted her dad.” The female lifted her head and bared her teeth.

“And for the record? Just because I didn’t know how to ask for help didn’t mean I didn’t care. Anger clouded her judgement now, the accusation rising within her a bitterness she didn’t know she had. “So yes, take my child anywhere, trust her with anyone, right? Cause it’s not like there aren’t others out there who will hurt us, Abraxas or not. But oh well, worry about that later.” She took a step closer to him.

“Let me tell you something, Ulric.” Her teeth flashed. “Before you question what happened with Ventuswill I’ll remind you that I was not part of a pack, attempting to keep four children together as a first time mom. I had few I could trust and by the time I found someone I thought may be able to help she had already passed. I didn’t think I could trust a pack! The rest of my children scattered, and, in my grief, yes, I’ll admit, I didn’t think to try and find them right away.” Her eyes flashed.

“...and when I did do you have any idea of the level of heartbreak I felt knowing I had failed them? That I had fucked up and they could be anywhere, enslaved, hurt, fucking dead and it’d be my fault.” She hissed.

“ know nothing of what happened after you left. You know nothing about how any of what happened made me feel. I’m not fucking perfect, Ulric, I am trying my best, but if you think you can come at me and snap at how I’ve raised my children when I’m trying to figure this shit out on my own, about who I should trust…” Her voice became colder.

“Maybe I can’t even trust you.” She wasn’t even thinking anymore, blinded by her emotion. She had felt that maybe the gods had punished her enough… that maybe her sin had been paid. But it seemed she was damned to continuously be reminded…

“Mom no!” Memento’s scream was lost as Philomena lunged to close the distance between herself and Ulric.

The female swung her torso upward with the moment from her lunge, towards the right, Ulric’s left in an attempt to wrap her right foreleg around his neck. Her head, meanwhile, would tilt down to the left, jaws parted as Philomena made an attempt to grab onto the top of her brother’s muzzle. Upper jaw was positioned to land closer to his face, under his eye at the end, whereas her lower jaw was aimed for the left side of his muzzle in the middle. She wanted to clamp down as hard as she could muster, leave him with something to remember this by. She was so angry, so bitter… she wasn’t even sure what or who she was truly angry with anymore.

She just wanted to bite something.


Philomena Lore vs Ulric Adravendi for Minor Maim {Facial Scarring} / Fall, Year 14 Fight Seasonal
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Navigator
Specialty: N/A        
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!