
In the Dead of Night



6 Years
08-26-2013, 01:16 AM

"Fuck me!" Her mind spoke as Sarak again nibbled her ear and caused her body to jolt. It was only getting her more and more into the moment. It only drew her nearer and nearer to Sarak. The black and brown mottled male was winning out here. Despite her efforts to regain control. She was more than happy to give him the reins, enjoying this show of power though he was really doing nothing particularly aggressive or dominating. The point was that he had control of her and being a woman of free will, she liked this small moment of feeling out of control.

?Rough? You could bowl me over with one paw.? Her body rumbled with a laugh that had no sound though surely he knew by now that she had only been half serious with her words, the rest was a sexual innuendo. He nibbled on her ear tip and as her body jumped this time, she locked up to try and control it. As he released her from his seductive ear nibbles, she let out a vocal sigh of relief. His teeth however continued down her neck. ?Is it hot in here or is it just you?? She snorted as she kept herself from laughing out loud. It was a corny line but he made it seem geekishly adorable.

Her mind was swimming by the time he got back to her ear and her stomach tensed with butterflies as awaited the nips. He knew what he was doing and almost too well. ?I don?t play, but I think you could teach me.? With an exhale she rolled, finding her feet and at the same time flipping Sarak nearly onto his back. Given a leg had laid across her, he really did all the work for her. She stood over him with fangs bared to show her ferocity before letting her lips fall and leaning down to kiss him not one, twice, but three times.

Her tail waved stiffly and she stepped off to the left, to allow him room to get up. Well, she certainly hadn't managed to sleep so far but she had gotten things settled with Sarak. More than settled, it seemed.
