
If You're Gonna Lie




6 Years
04-25-2020, 07:43 PM

Banshee's chest slammed into her opponent's upper leg and the younger gal felt a pang of pain run through her. The chest slam was a move that inflicted pain on both parties but she felt as though it was a good starter to get the fight going. It was clear there would be bruising from the slam but Banshee was more then happy to suffer for the thrill of a fight. That's what it is all about right? The sound of her massive opponent growling filled her ears and only egged her on even more. Knowing that she now had the power to inflict such pain upon another was exciting. But, to also know that she could learn how to fight someone into submission was another thing on it's own. Banshee hoped to one day be as decorated as Sirius in the battle field. She knew these early spars would be a good start.

The yearling's attempt to swipe her opponent's paw left her with nothing. Thus, she aimed to merely spread her weight between four paws again. Perhaps Banshee' underestimated the weight of the rogue. But there was no reason to dwell, nor did she have time to. As Banshee went in for her initial bite so did her opponent. 'An eye for an eye.' They both locked onto one another's opposing lower leck region. Banshee felt her elongated fangs delve into the muscular flesh of her opponent's neck. Blood slipped into her mouth and pained her lips crimson. The metallic taste caused the babe to let forth a growl that seemed to rip from the base of her throat. Sending blood spewing from the sides of her mouth between teeth. A delightful mess.

Suddenly Banshee would release her opponents neck and lift her front paws off the ground in attempt to wrap her opponent in a bear hug, potentially wincing at the pain of her swift movements. Two front paws aimed to slam down upon Mercy's back to secure the standing position. As she did this Banshee would part her bloodied jaws to try for another bite. This time she aimed for her opponent's scruff, careful to avoid the collar. Higher then her previous bite.

Banshee Klein vs Mercy for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Extended fangs - Offensive
Companion 1: Spitting Cobra - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Healer
Specialty: N/A