
In the Dead of Night



8 Years
08-26-2013, 01:41 AM

He grinned, green eyes twinkling with true vitality, as she jolted under his tender ministrations, as she jumped under his nips and nibbles. He could face a life of this, if she would give herself to him as he knew a part of her truly wanted to. A soft purr rippled into her ear, enjoying the soundless laugh she?d given, the sigh of near relief as he?d moved down her neck. The snort at his purposely lame line made his mouth quirk into a half grin. This was the most relaxed; and the most tense, that he?d ever been around her.

Tongue slid from between his teeth to flick at her ear after he gave his last words, before she found her feet in a smooth motion, flipping him to his back. He gave a soft grunt, and a chuckle, as she stood over him, showing her dominance before pressing her lips to his thrice. He snuck a lick at the last one before she stepped off. He rolled to his paws in an almost smooth flow, save for the shake weary muscles gave, nibbling his way up a foreleg to her chest, from chest to throat and neck, and back to her ear, snuffing softly into it as his tongue smoothed a wild tuft of fur. Side pressed to side, he continued the gentle nips and nibbles he knew she liked a great deal, sneaking a lick, rumbling a purr. Sweet nothings. Mere sounds of love, desire, soothing, urging. He slid along her form, circling around her, fur intermingling, nipping, nibbling along her body.

He pressed his nose into the ear he nose was closest to, the one that hadn?t yet gotten attention. The untouched ear was given a long, caressing lick and nips from base to tip. ?You are the wind in my fur, the sun on my back, the rain on my face. You are the fire in my heart, the Angel in my dreams. May I have this dance?? May I have this night? For us and us alone? To let our hearts soar? His words were whispered in a husky, crooning whisper into her ear as the unspoken plea flowed on the air a rhythm of the hearts, of the lungs.