
She won't ever win




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-25-2020, 11:31 PM
Just when she thought she might be able to get her reactions and emotions in check, the ivory woman breathed her name in such an intimate way that just helped to flare up her embarrassment and uncertainty again. She wanted to back away when Mercy stepped closer till their chests were nearly touching, but Elise could only stand there frozen with her feet seemingly unable to move. She tensed up in response to the feeling of breath against her ear and it wasn't until her lungs began to ache with the need to breathe that she realized how the air had gotten caught in her throat. Her ear flicked from the unexpected touch and her poor lungs finally got a little relief when Mercy leaned back and allowed her to let out an unsteady sigh. Her heart was still going crazy from the rush of adrenaline that hit her system from the uninvited contact.

She just couldn't figure out why this stranger was doing all this and a lot of her wanted her to stop, but at the same time she couldn't convince her body to move so she could run away. Mercy's laugh made her pout and diminished a bit of the confidence that she had been trying to build in herself. She knew that she could just turn and run and would probably be able to get away if she really wanted to... but did she want to? Logic obviously told her yet and begged her to make her legs move, but she also kind of liked the attention she was getting and the scandalous excitement that Mercy made her feel. She could never be as forward as Mercy was being and something about that kept the innocent girl planted in place.

The implications of what Mercy meant by being where with someone else went over Elise's head as she answered the questions of what she was doing out here on her own. "I-I was just at the mangroves near here... That's where I was raised so I was just seeing if any of my family was still around." It had been so long since she had seen any of her family and thinking that she might find any of them here now after so much time was probably a ridiculous idea, but she felt compelled to check for them anyway. She tensed again when Mercy began to lean closer, completely at a loss for what to do about the larger woman being so within her personal space. It made her so incredibly flustered and nervous, but she also couldn't bring herself to tell her to stop. "Um... M-maybe," was all she could manage to reply to Mercy's suggestion that fate had brought them here. By now Elise had completely lost any sense of if this was real flirting or just teasing - not that she would have much frame of reference either way.