
Love I Was Wounded For You


08-26-2013, 07:31 AM

Midnight stifled a yelp her head coming round to look at the intruder, a male. She quickly found her feet her left hind slipping on one of the damp stones before she regained her footing, and lowered her head as she watched him pause a respectful distance away. It was only then Midnight realised how alone she was out here she was not afraid, hadn't been since the last fight with the bear, but she was cautious this was a male she had not met before, for a moment she wondered if some spirit had heard her thoughts and sent some one to prove them wrong but that was silly a pups daydream, she shook off the idea and instead turned her full attention and amber gaze upon the brute. His coat like coffee cream, it showed his curves and his eyes of amber where not dissimilar to her own she pulled her gaze away, not quiet understanding what was with her today, she forced her focus instead on more tactical matters, he was taller then her and perhaps a little more weighty, a fight would not be advisable.

Still he had started with humour, and he seemed pleasant enough she thought there was no reason to jump into attack still his laughter cut her and her response came a little sharper then she had intended, ? maybe you show have a go I?m sure you would wear it just as graciously,? she gave a slight shake of her head trying to at least get the fur around her neck and shoulders to lay flat, but she knew it was a lost cause only a proper grooming or a while in the sun would make it lie flat once more she just wished she had had time to deal with it before this interloper had appeared, she felt strangely bare her emotions in as much disarray as her fur.

Her nose twitched searching for the males scent, the damp earth and plants with surrounded them covered it slightly but she could still pick out the basics, definitely male, as if that was in question, he smelt healthy? There was no other word for it no sickness clung to his coat of his breath, and maybe. She couldn't be sure but she thought she smelt other wolves on his coat, a member of a pack maybe or part of another rouge band, ' or maybe he just came in contact with a lot of wolves recently,' she thought the scents where faint, it frustrated her though, she was supposed to have the best nose in the south she took a deep breath and let it out in what was almost a sigh, calmer then before she continued ? so are we just going to stand here starring, or do you plan on telling me your name,?