
Getting Crafty



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
04-26-2020, 06:54 PM

Recluse Ithuriel-Klein

Recluse was glad neither of the other girls raised much fuss when she joined them, setting about separating her materials into piles so she could easily move between them. Venom asked what the others were making and she gently peeled some of her leather away from another piece. "I'm also making bracers, nothing quite as fancy as spikes but just something to help cover my forelegs. Especially if I feel like putting claws in someone's eyes." She said that with a dark chuckle and a brief wink. Lilith had slid down to slither around the girl's paws, beady black eyes watching carefully as the pale wolf considered how best to proceed.

Her other cousin asked about their shared siblings and she shrugged, trying to look as unconcerned as possible. "I'm not exactly fond of their bastard of a father right now." She said, a clear edge to her voice as she referred to her own father. "He's too busy playing the doting father for me to get close right now." And she was certain he was playing, those kids had better be ready for disappointment, once they were old enough to wander away from the careful eyes of their shitty sire she'd teach them well enough what to expect from him. They were lucky they had their mother at least...

Recluse glared down at her paws as she thought that, her jaw locking and her muzzle wrinkling in anger but her eyes prickled with the tears that belied the pain behind that thought. She was old enough now to leave, to do whatever it was that adults did... but that didn't mean missing out on having a proper childhood didn't hurt, she was acutely aware of the fact she had no one to turn to... well she had Banshee but she certainly didn't want to bother her sister with her weakness when she was so busy being the commander's newest toy. Recluse blinked furiously, banishing the sentiment and focusing on the task at hand.

She gently nudged the twine she'd woven, gesturing for her cousin. "I"m planning on tying my bracers, I'll keep the knots loose enough I can slip in and out and then just tighten them when I need to actually wear them." She paused for a moment, suddenly very aware she had no idea how she'd lace them. "I haven't uh- considered how to get holes into the leather."

Recluse scanned their surrounding for a sharp rock or stick to try and drill holes into the tough material. She watched as Pestilence got her own companion to fetch sap for her and she gestured towards it with her chin. "If you don't finish that any chance I can steal some?" She said, grinning, she had a special touch in her mind for finishing her bracers. She softly asked Lilith to scout for a stick she could use to cut into the leather then as the serpent slithered off into the grass set about gently cutting open the snake skins with her claws, simply trying to get the former tubes to lay open and flat.

WC: 517 (3048/3500)


Art by Sirinsong
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.