
Thunder Strikes




4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

04-26-2020, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 08:16 PM by Kamilah.)

Pale face contorted into an expression of confusion as the stallion seemed to lack the intelligence to respond to her. It was odd, though not unheard of, at least where Kamilah had come from. Back in her homeland, equine were more than just intelligent, they were constantly growing their knowledge and applying their new skills to better the lives of everyone. It would seem, in these new lands, equine lacked proper authority, and have since fallen into a more primal stage of their thinking. The mare would sigh, disappointed that she had stumbled into a fragment of her kind, rather than the true vision of glory she had originally thought the stallion had been. The woman was about to turn around and head back to her pasture when she heard the stallion's voice, a much clearer and verbally solid structured sentence. Blue orbs widened slightly in surprise, her ears perking forward as she stood attentive to the stallion. Though it was clear he had the knowledge of language, his words still lacked meaning to the mare. "Ah. I am aware of horses taking familiars. Though I do not know this creature's species?"

Curiosity taking a hold of her thoughts, Kamilah found herself glancing behind the young stallion, searching for signs of other equine. It was unusual to find a stallion his age wandering the lands alone, and as the mare casually observed his frame, she couldn't see an obvious reasons for him to be a stag. "Are you alone, monkey man? Or do have a harem tucked away nearby?" Perhaps it was her seasons of ruling as queen that she was so keen on finding more. Thankfully she had already run into another, a stallion with a unique adaptation, but there would always been a need for more. If this stranger carried with him a herd of his own, perhaps Kamilah and her unicorn friend could join, and the cycle would once again resume. The ambitious woman would intergrate herself into the social hierarchy, and work her way to the top. Only there she would be safe... only there other's would be safe.  


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.