
She won't ever win


Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
04-26-2020, 08:24 PM

The girl seemed to grow more and more flustered as their interactions went on, and the pale woman couldn't help but laugh. Poor innocent soul, this was nothing at all. She was being rather tame, she had to say, and could get far worse. It was hard to tell if she was frozen or just plain uncomfortable, not that she cared too much for others feelings. However, it wasn't quite as fun as time wore on, and she found herself getting bored at the lack of reciprocation. It had been fun at first, but this Elise was unwavering in her almost fearful state. Mercy's grin started to fade, a sigh leaving her inky lips as she rolled her purple eyes at the other's answer. "Well you're no fun, are you?" she asked, pouting out her lower lip as she dramatically dropped to her rump, curling her tail around her side as she sat. Her head tilted to the side as her flirting air dropped, eyes narrowing slightly as she inspected Elise further. She wasn't a baby, but she had mentioned growing up in the Mangroves nearby. Was she just a hole in and didn't know anything about the world around her? At two years old, if her guess was correct, there should be many things that the wolf had experienced thus far. Or was she just that much of a prude? So many questions, so little answers. Mercy sat in silence for awhile, tilting her head back and forth. Finally she let out an airy laugh, shrugging her shoulders up and down. "So do you just not know how to flirt, or are you against that sort of shit?" It really wasn't spoken in any ill manner, Mercy just spoke her mind and said what she wanted. It was blunt, but not an accusation of any kind. In all honesty, she just didn't get it. Usually when she flirted with others, they either told her to fuck off or they gave her some kind of bone... if one catches her drift.

Now that the heat of the moment had passed, she actually felt a little bad. While she had no problem corrupting an innocent soul, it wasn't fun if the other wasn't into it. That was just gross. If she had been cute and shy, it would have been different, but Elise had seemed overly tense and... afraid. She rolled her shoulders again at her own thoughts, looking down to absentmindedly check her paw out. Usually she would be insulted at attention not being returned, but there were just something... off about Elise. Despite all of that, she wanted to figure it out. Hell, she was down to teach her a thing or two if she wanted. That grin split her lips again, revealing her teeth as she leaned just a little closer to Elise. She couldn't help herself, clearly, even after all those thoughts of feeling bad. Who was she kidding, she wasn't made of that sunshine and rainbow type of shit. "You're not a baby anymore, Elise, welcome to the real world. It fucking sucks, make light of it when you can," Wow, it even came with advice, apparently. "A pretty thing like you is bound to get attention," Mercy added with a wink, a boisterous laugh bubbling up in her throat.

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Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.