
She won't ever win




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
04-27-2020, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2020, 06:55 PM by Elise.)
Her nervous, anxious energy took a turn when Mercy's overwhelmingly flirty nature turned more toward annoyance. Elise blinked with confusion when she heard the larger woman tell her that she was no fun and flop down onto her haunches. It left the confused, innocent woman even more taken aback than before and oddly offended at how Mercy seemed to get irritated at her for not flirting back. All that tense uncertainty got converted into exasperated confusion. How was she supposed to know what the larger woman wanted from her?! Mercy made it out to be like just because she was an "adult" now she was supposed to be able to flirt and stuff and it made her feel like she had been left out of some kind of club or that she missed some kind of lesson along the way. Was this something that other females just naturally understood and she was the outlier?

She sputtered a bit after Mercy leaned closer once again to tell her how the world sucked and how of course she would get attention since she was pretty, her laughter making her blush. Part of her wanted to be able to quip back and forth with the woman that was clearly more comfortable with this than she was, but now she was just flustered and embarrassed. "Well, I've never gotten attention like that before and I don't know how to flirt or whatever, so..." she replied with a grumble while sat back on her haunches with a pout, turning her gaze away grumpily. "I'm not like... against it or anything, I just wasn't expecting it..." She didn't want Mercy to think she was completely oblivious to it all, but she didn't know how else to explain her reaction to Mercy suddenly coming on so strong. She couldn't promise that she would have handled it any better if there had been more of a gradual build up or something along those lines, but she liked to think that would have been the case. Now she just felt like a pup that was pretending to be an adult.