
in the bleek midwinter




3 Years
04-28-2020, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 04:12 PM by Skyfire.)

OOC: Navigation Skill post: One of Three

Skyfire had taken the time to go explore her surroundings and wonder when exactly her first day of training would be. Besides crying a whole lot into the pelts she was allowed to take, the self-proclaimed queen was over with the hurt and wanted to move on. She was here now, and there was no use crying over things she couldn't control. Skyfire on this day found herself by the ocean in Sea's Plain and the smell of the salt was intense. The waves splashed at her feet as the river met into the bay which turned into the sea just beyond their territory. This was officially the first time that Sky had seen saltwater. The gray and black wolfess felt the sand beneath her toes, and she quite liked it. It was a different texture than the hard ground, and running through it proved to be difficult unless she was on hard packed sand.

The ocean seemed to extend from her left and right sides for quite some distance. The tree line halted a couple hundred feet or more from the ocean. The smell of salt filled the air, and Skyfire couldn't help but notice how truly beautiful this place was. The further east she traveled, the more she could smell fresh water in that direction. Did a river run into the ocean from here? As she looked to the east, Skyfire noticed in the distance large, rocky structures and a couple of islands where the ocean formed around them to create some sort of bay. The smell of fresh water was not as strong, though she had hints of it depending on the direction of the weather. The shores faced toward the south where three other islands were visible. They almost looked as if through they were in swimming distance from the shore.

As Skyfire explored, she noticed another wolf who smelled of the same pack down the way. She looked different than Sirius, but the woman bore saberteeth. The woman was of the same height as Sky - thank the gods - and was sporting a darker coat. Sky caught up to get a closer look at her, but to also introduce herself. If this princess was to be a part of something and earn her name, well then people better learn it! "Hello. My name is Skyfire Turner. I'm new to the pack!" The princess boasted proudly, her apple green eyes shining. "Sirius brought me in the other day and I am going to start training to fight!"
