
safe or not?



3 Years

Valentines 2020
04-28-2020, 07:38 PM
Theta stood stunned as she watched the other wolf. They were bigger than she was and appeared to be much more muscular. As she had grown up her body hadn’t changed much besides the antlers. She had reached her full adult height and her muscles were a little more defined, but she was nothing huge. Nothing as big as what stood before her.

The wolf had looked at her and said her name. It had to be Noir, it just had to be. Part of her mind was busy thinking that this was some kind of illusion, that she was imagining it all. Maybe she was a little dehydrated and hungry and when she took the time to rest none of it would have happened. Noir would be gone.
The voice asked her You aren’t dead, are you? and Theta honestly couldn’t tell. She very well could have died on her search and this was the afterlife where she had found her mental image of Noir and they would go on to live happily ever after. If this was the afterlife that idea didn’t seem too bad.

Theta had been gazing at Noir for a moment longer than she should have after he had asked the question. She shook her head to try and clear her mind, if she could have slapped herself she would have. No no no she was not dead, she was still a living breathing wolf. She wasn’t stupid enough to have let herself die out there. Be sensible!

Theta answered his question with another question “Are you dead?” If Noir was dead she might as well be dead as well. “If I’m dead then you must be too, I don’t remember dying but that doesn’t mean I’m alive.” Theta might have been over thinking it a little, but it was hard not to when either option seemed perfectly valid.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art