
Doing a Doubletake




6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-28-2020, 08:38 PM
The midnight furred boy walked stealthily across the prairie, checking holes and warrens for signs of prey. He had briefly picked up a rabbit trail earlier, but a hawk had taken it before he could get close. He loped off to try and pick up another trail, all the while getting distracted by thoughts of his family. His mother, his brother...he often wondered if he might have been able to save her if he'd taken up a healer's path, but he was by no means a healer. He knew about herbs and what some of them could do thanks to his mom. Especially the poison kind...but he knew he could never be a healer. He didn't have that mentality to help others, let alone be social with them. Could he do it for his own blood? Perhaps. But if he came across a stranger outside of the Abraxas blood? He was likely to just let them bleed to death. "Hello." He was jolted from his thoughts at the sound of a voice. Feminine. Unknown. He looked up to find a yearling girl, tall, slender...attractive even. Though perhaps he thought that last part quite quickly because he couldn't exactly call his cousins attractive...that would be strange, right?

"Are you an Abraxas?" His gaze remained on her, wondering how she knew. Had she met one of his family members? His brother? Eli? He didn't say anything for a long while as he studied her. But he was curious how she knew about them..."Who wants to know?" He said gruffly, remaining on guard just in case this was some weird trick. He had never really come in contact with others outside of his own, so he didn't know what to expect.