
You said you don't want me anymore


08-26-2013, 09:26 AM

Amusement laced his own words as he confirmed her question. He didn't appear to be surprised by her question, but she could make the assumption that he was, if he was always polite, it was unlikely that he was questioned about it. But he didn't let it show that it fazed him, merely joining in on amusement. She could feel the chill setting in, yet the brute remained unfazed by it, clearly accustomed to the colder temperatures of the north. She had gotten quite used to living around a volcano, where it was easy to find a warm patch of earth to chase away the chill of winter. At least it wasn't yet winter here, that would be awful. She had some time to adjust if she chose to stay, she was still uncertain.

"Glaciem?" A slight tilt of her crown was given, perhaps that was the name of the pack that resided in this region. It came as no surprise when the question was thrown back at her. Taking a moment, she thought about how she would answer him. "Mostly, a new beginning. A new place to call home." It was the truth. She didn't reveal all the gory details as to why, just simply answering his question. There was no in-depth complicated reason for her traveling this far north, it was fairly simple. "And perhaps a little exploring." A smirk tugged at one side of her darkened muzzle.
