
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-29-2020, 01:38 AM

He hadn't necessarily been concerned that she would have run back to Valhalla and found his family to tell them about what had happened, but it did relieve him bit when she confirmed that she would keep the information to herself. He couldn't help but smile a little when she rambled for a bit about how she would be there to help, even if he just wanted to chat. If she was indeed living in the pack that he was looking for then he had no doubt that they would eventually cross paths again. Besides... he quite enjoyed her presence. Being around her seemed to be oddly calming. Sometimes he would push others away that had noticed some flaw in the armor he liked to wear, but she had seen clear under that armor at this point. There was no chip or gap in it that had tipped her off - he had his protective persona clean blown off before she even approached him. She knew more about him than most at this point so there was no way to take all that back now. He might as well enjoy having someone he could be himself around.

Casso nodded in understanding when she mentioned keeping the coyote bite clean and perhaps finding someone that could give him more medicine for it. "Yes ma'am," he replied dutifully with a bit of humor to his rumbling tone. The complete flip in his personality and demeanor didn't occur to him, instead just thinking to himself how happy he was to be feeling more stable and back to what he considered normal. He was terrible at keeping a conversation going and was struggling to find a reason for her to stay here. Part of him wondered if it wouldn't be better for him to just go back to Valhalla with her now, but the embarrassment of showing up in front of Baine with this fresh wound kept him held in place. After a beat of silence he decided to add, "You handled everything very well." A soft curve of a smile touched his lips as he complimented her skills. "I know I can be... a lot. I remember my mother even being a little shaken sometimes... and she had many years of being a healer and dealing with my father behind her."

"Speech" Thought