
Don't Play Koi [Sirius]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-29-2020, 06:01 PM

Dove offered to help her get Sirius onto the cart and she nodded in acceptance. Nosing her injured sibling, she let him know just what they were doing to him. Jostling him would pull at the wound, but the pain would be short lived. Once they got him back to Armada lands, she'd fill him with all of the pain relievers under the sun. Well... enough to keep him comfortable. Not enough to kill him or make his mind extremely cloudy.

With Bast on one side and herself on another, they worked to get Sirius upright. Io could feel the tackiness of the partially dried blood as her body slid against his. Her own pristine pelt would be covered in Sirius by the time they were done. Great. Casting a glance towards Dove, she watched as he did his part and soon they had the great lug onto the low cart.

Still hitched, Ila grumbled slightly. Sirius would be too heavy for just her alone. Now that Sirius was settled with his head on her pack once more, Iolaire went to work on adjusting the harness. A clever little thing, she quickly altered the neck strap and breast band so that there were three sets. Together, Ila, Bast and Iolaire would drag Sirius home. She fitted the leopard into the harness and placed Ila in the middle since she was a natural puller.

Looking back to Dove, she shot the man a serious look.
"Bring Marshal back as quickly as you can. I'm putting my trust in you, Dove." She trusted him to bring the vulture back home. Iolaire didn't know this man one bit, but Sirius had gone out of his way to protect him, so she had to assume there was some good in him. Some sense of honor that would make him carry out this task. Without another word, the trio of ladies threw their weight into the harnesses and made their way back home.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.