
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

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Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-29-2020, 08:25 PM
Koby became a bit bashful, he smiled and tried to hide his face a little. His mouth had never been met with interest. Others often would get scared or disgusted and in which he was glad he could give her a bit of insight of his culture. Most King Cobra's wanted to mind their own business and in terms of his own temperment he wanted nothing more than read fortunes for a living. Which led him to look at the three piles that he had made for Skyfire. "This is the past, this the present and this the future." he pointed to each pile respectively with his tail the left, middle and the right from where he was facing. Carefully studying them his tongue flicked interestingly.

"The passt, a wolf of power and confidence taken down by eventsss out of your control and unrightfully ssso. The presssent, you will find yourssself in a mysssteriousss land filled with mysssteriousss ssstrangersss. However, you will find yourssself creating a path far greater than those of your predessscesssorsss. That bringsss usss to the future." He calmly switched the bones of the last pile around. He flicked his tongue out and hummed quietly. This was indeed interesting, "You will meet a ssstranger that will change your fate. It is not known when, but they will grant you a home and a purpossse but be weary it ssayss thingss are not alwaysss ass they ssseem." This was a common reading actually. Since they were so vague and fates changed as time went on.

"Remember that thesse readingsss are vague though. You have the power to change your fate and readingsss can often change depending on the enviornment around you." He concluded and slithered through the piles of bones. Scattering them around as he looked around the falls one more time. "Anytime you want a reading, why don't you call for me? I am familiar with a few of your sspeciess callsss. I want to become a well known reader around Boreasss!" he was excited now more than he had been before.