
What am I even doing?

fall year 14 bonus prompt (int/fighting) - toxicity



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
04-30-2020, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2020, 07:36 PM by Caelia.)
Caelia was used to being polite on the surface, even when she didn't particularly feel like it. Currently, she was in a decent enough mood that it didn't take much forcing, even if she was slightly distracted. Her smile wilted not long after it arrived, and though her gaze was wary as she occasionally glanced up at Toxicity it was far from unfriendly. Conversing with strangers, when she wasn't trying to get something specific out of them, suddenly felt a bit trickier than she'd expected. Almost as tricky as this whole crafting business. Biting her tongue for as moment as she pulled her head back and examined the scrap of leather she'd trimmed, she briefly tilted her head back toward the younger female.

What an interesting coincidence that she was working on something of her own too. "I don't think that's a bad idea. It sounds interesting." She'd seen some unique creations in Valhalla, among her packmates. "It'd certainly stop me from going for your face," Caelia commented, more conversationally than anything else. Those thorns looked sharp. Perhaps not sharp enough to really do serious damage, but enough to deter her from going toward them - the thought of a mouthful of thorns made her nearly cringe. Regardless of its efficiency it was an interesting project, and she was curious abut what she had planned with it.

She wasn't opposed to the company, though she shifted a bit to angle herself toward Toxicity, just to be safe. She watched her as she showed off the holes, nodding a bit. "I'm not sure. I tore some smaller strips of hide off..." Caelia gestured toward the small, short strips. Would they do? She wasn't totally sure. A companion likely would help with this sort of thing, she knew, but she hadn't been lucky enough to find one quite yet - at least not one she could tolerate very well. "I was hoping I could manage to bite some holes into the hide. It's pretty tough now but..." Her voice trailed off as she examined it, using a paw to hold it to the ground and using her teeth to try to work through the hide to make a small hole near the edge. "Maybe I can push some of these straps of hide through, and again through a hole on the other side. Not sure how I'll secure it though." Focused on her work more than Toxicity now, she kept working at it, gnawing a hole just below the first.

"Never heard of them." Caelia didn't particularly care about families beside her own, and the name Abraxas didn't ring any bells. "You're welcome to some of this hide if you think you can use it. I have more than enough," she offered tentatively, pushing some of the smaller scraps her way. She wasn't a selfless wolf by any means, but it didn't seem to matter if she spared some scraps for a stranger. At least it'd give Valhalla a good name if Toxicity ever encountered the pack in a more official manner, something that felt important to her.

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