
Find your own way



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-30-2020, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2020, 11:28 PM by Ulric.)

Guilt and anger rattled the massive brute, but mostly he was just tired. Beyond anything, he was frustrated, but he couldn't even pinpoint what he was frustrated with. He wanted one, tangible thing to point his paw at and be able to say, "Yes, that's what's causing this," so that he could take care of it. In reality, it was a whole list of things that had piled one upon the other over years of unprocessed pain that had brought him to this point. Every time he had let himself think that one thing had let him down, but he at least had this other thing to keep pride in, that ended up failing him as well. Everything he had told himself felt like a lie now and he wasn't sure where to turn now. The only real guilt he had was how confronting his sister had gone and the fact that he had left his mother there without telling her where he was going. Eventually he would get the strength to face his family again, but he wasn't sure when that would be.

Somehow he had made it to the Weeping Woods before his body finally gave out. The bite Philly had given him stretched across his left cheek and curved around the edge of his jaw, causing blood to spill down along his neck. He couldn’t really feel the pain from it any more. It had been long enough that his nerves had been overwhelmed to the point of going numb. He knew someone that knew what they were doing would need to look at his injury sooner rather than later, but he was so utterly exhausted that he couldn’t get himself to his paws, much less think about finding a healer. So instead he stayed there, laying at the edge of the water that wound its way around the willow trees while he simply hoped his body would eventually gather the energy to move again on its own. He didn't realize just how close he had gotten to the border of the pack where he had met Resin and Odette and instead of getting up to see if he could get help from them again he continued to lay there and stare blankly across the water.

"Speech" Thought