
What're You Lookin' At?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-01-2020, 02:05 AM

"You knew fully well what would happen when you manipulated her into giving you information about the pack. You led her into betraying her family. You put her into a situation where she felt vulnerable and isolated when you blinded her. We gave her what care we could and watched over her until you came back into her life and spirited her away. So don't blame Valhalla for the evils you created." His lip curled in disgust, fangs bared as she went on. "Like I knew what the rules of your pack were! Maybe she wouldn't have gotten blinded if she had proper training! And I didn't manipulate her, she came to me, and all I did was have a conversation with her! I asked one question about someone that used my family, not about the secrets of your damn pack! Did your alpha lie and spin you all a story knowing full well you idiots would buy into it? You're all blind, dumb, and pathetic to have believed that. If she really didn't want anything to do with me then she wouldn't have come looking for me, let alone become my mate!" All he cared about was Acapella. He didn't care about the lies that she spat. Didn't care about what they thought. He had made amends and made up for what he'd done, but it wasn't entirely his fault, either. He had only wanted Marina. It wasn't his fault that someone else had gotten caught up in the same fight. "You're all a bunch of hypocrites, by the way. It was one of your own, after all, that initiated a fight that was more than dominance. So it was your pack that started the chain!" He knew she likely ignored every word he said, but whether she chose to listen or not, he was stating what he genuinely thought was true.

"It's time someone put you down like the rabid jackal you are," His teeth flashed as he mirrored her stance, "Try me." He snarled back. She came at him, and Greed went at her. She was not much smaller than him, but she was heavily built. As she sought to clash her shoulder into the joint of his, Greed lifted himself up, squared his hind legs, and took the brunt of the hit to his chest as opposed to the joint. He exhaled in time to prevent the wind from getting knocked from him, but he knew there would be a pretty bad bruise and soreness for quite a while after.Her teeth would grasp the thin skin below his left eye, the feeling of blood welling quickly and already seeping down his fur. My turn! He'd push his weight into her, though he knew it probably wouldn't do much good trying to unbalance her, it was more to keep her close to him. His jaws opened then, and the male struck out at her ear in an attempt to grab hold and shred it.

Greed Armada vs Justice for Maim (Torn ear)
Round: 1/1
Age: over 1yr
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Defensive Battle Accessory: White buffalo headdress
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A


Art||Plot with me!

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