
Your love is my drug



6 Years
01-10-2014, 03:18 PM

The young Maverick look alike was a serious boy, and his seriousness carried onto everything he did. Not a single solitary, genuine smile had found its way across his russet lips since he had become old enough to venture from the den on his own. Not that he really cared; he wasn't one for being "happy". You could say that he was content with the life that he had been given, but there were times where he felt that being alone would perhaps provide him a deeper sense of content. But realistically speaking, that wasn't something he could do for very long. Wolves were pack animals and his instinct would always override his personality, demanding that he be around others of his kind. But as who those others were that would always be up to him.

Zaria. She would hesitate to present her name, the russet boy taking it, memorizing it, and storing it away for future reference. He had a feeling that he would be seeing more of this girl later on. It was only after she had introduced herself that she would turn away from him, almost silently asking him to tag along behind her. She didn't go far, just back to the little spot she'd cleared of snow. Caeto didn't eagerly trail behind her, just moved a few paw steps closer, reclaiming his sitting position, deep azures locked on her dark figure. No grand posse of protection this time? She was trying to get a rise out of him, and even though his tail twitched with mild irritation, she would get no rise out of him, just the same stoic face. Ditched them. He would answer smoothly, ears pricking at her next question. Would you like to explore? That had to be the first rather civil, non-teasing thing she'd said, apart from her name. Without a word Caeto would rise, paws bringing him to Zaria's side, azure gems locking in with her icy ones, awaiting to see where it was that she wanted to head out to explore.

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