
Trample upon me all you wish, I won't give up


08-26-2013, 12:04 PM

Blackened pillars wrapped around the small form, pulling her closer to him. Her whispered words reached him, and so he made a silent promise. He would not leave her side unless something took him away from her. And the only time that would happen would be if he were dead. Even so, he would ensure that she wasn't alone. He had been waiting for so long, and he wondered if he was dreaming now...but it couldn't be a dream. This was surely reality. He licked the top of her head in a comforting manner, then icy pools sought out her grey ones. He gently wiped away the tears she had, and just being as gentle as he could with her. It seemed to him that she was ready to break at a moments notice, like she could shatter in the blink of an eye and disappear forever.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. I'll stay by your side Loccian. I promise." The words fell out with every bit of truth that his heart contained. He would not let her down, would not fail her. And if he did, he would brand himself a liar. "I'll never hurt you..." He whispered to her as he rested his head on her neck. He delicately traced her side with his tail in an attempt to soothe her and lull her into a much needed rest. She had looked so worn down, and he was sure the depression and pain that she tried so hard to mask was draining her. She would need a well deserved rest.

" should try to rest. You've been through a lot, you need it." He whispered to her. His eyes had already begun to drift closed, the sound of the rain and thunder pounding dully outside lulled him. And the warm herbal scents that covered Loccian's pelt soothed him as well. He kept his body pressed to hers, hoping that she could finally rest.
