
This Is Not Child's Play


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
05-01-2020, 03:52 AM
Memento didn't know him, no, but she was realizing in her own way that differences were in all creatures. The female didn't care if he got offended; in her eyes he shouldn't have said what he did. Not that her own words were any better… she spoke harshly based on a past experience with a similar demeanor. It wasn't right… but Memento Mori cared little for "right" and "wrong" or "good" and "bad". Her own views, regardless of if she had a fair reason for feeling that way, were unshakable. The girl had inherited her mother's stubbornness.

He got defensive and Meme realized she hit a nerve. He was either overly sensitive or his mom really hadn't been there much for whatever reason. Memento frowned, the tiniest but of guilt flaring up in her but as she thought of her other dad, Pegasus. She hadn't met him at all… her mom told her stories though…

She couldn't dwell on it though. The boy launched himself off the cliff and Meme hadn't expected it. Hackles raised the fancy siamese-esc youth snarled in response as her body tried to mirror what she saw Cel doing around her mother's protective figure that day. Her eyes narrowed and her ears fell back to lay flat against her skull. She tried to brace herself with weight distributed across each limb evenly. Her tali was raised too, more as a display of "dominance" than defensive.


Memento tried to push all other thoughts away. Right now nothing else would matter. She could fight him! She was strong!

Memento let out a yelp as she tried to twist as he went to land. His teeth sank into her flank as she tried to pull forward. The weight ended up being too much in her hind legs, however, and down Memento went.

She felt pain flaring up as blood fled from her body. It burned, though differently from the lick of a flame. Meme felt her body protesting as  she fell towards the earth. She wasn't going to let him get away with that!

Memento's head was closer to the male's right side as she parted her fangs and went to sink her teeth into his rear right haunch. Stupid creepy dude… she was going to bite him with she had… assuming she made contact. Her pale eyes were flashing:: he'd better be ready!!

Word count;; 396
Total;; 1,506

Memento Mori Lore-Hellstrom
vs Zagan for maim (scarring on right hind leg)
Round 1/1
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Beginner Fighter
Specialty: N/A