
Range Rover




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
05-01-2020, 03:10 PM
Being addressed as 'my king' was just the sort of ego boost he could get used to. Damn it was nice on the ears. Tyrian returned her playful grin and dipped his head in a regal bow that was only slightly exaggerated. "Milady," he teased back. The word rang lamely in his ears, but there was no taking it back. He could have kicked himself and he wasn't sure why. It didn't matter too much if a joke fell flat or rang hollow once or twice, so why did it feel like he'd lost an opportunity somehow? The strong need to impress someone was relatively new to the boy so he was baffled by the way his heart raced. Sure there had been times growing up when he'd wanted someone to like him, but this felt different. Like there was more at stake. He was going to have to do some serious soul searching later to figure this one out.

"I did but I think that's a question I should be asking you," he said with a laugh. "I hope you found everything alright and the Range treated you well. There's this family of skunks around here that have taken it upon themselves to police the place and I guess I'm hoping if you saw any of them they didn't give you too much trouble on your first night." He was only partially kidding. Not only had Righty, his companion, inherited her mother's mischievous nature but so had every one of her litter mates. The Range was now rife with snarky, bullying skunks.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.