
Be Home By Dusk

Sirius, Killian

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

05-01-2020, 05:51 PM

Cerulean blue eyes lit up with excitement as they caught sight of the familiar black and white figure approaching her. It was nearly time! Joy filled her chest as Killian mentioned his duties. It was expected, seeing as he was a reliable warrior in the pack, Odette could barely think of a time when the brute wasn't hard at work; doing patrols, defending off predators, or helping her make adjustments to the coop. So she would toss the male a small smile, shaking her head lightly. "Not long at all. Came here after wrangling Dash and his flock back into the hen house." A playful grin would pop up on her features as she cocked a single brow towards the male. "Anything new or exciting on your rounds?" Hearing his call ring out caused a chill to run down the fawn woman's spine. She had never summoned the Warlord, not for anything like this. It was a big moment for the handmaiden, to ask to go beyond the borderline, to seek out game from outside the plains. The female could not help but feel worried, and she would find herself becoming antsy once again. Her paws would fidget, her body uncomfortable with the idea of staying still.

Thankfully she would not have to wait long, as the towering figure of the Alpha soon came into view. Odette would find herself sucking in a large breath and holding it there in her chest, the anxiety of finally having this long awaited discussion weighing down on her lungs like a bolder. Before the fanged beast got much closer, the woman would let the air out slowly, attempting to calm her nerves. As he came to a stop just before the warrior, Odette found herself wanting to shrink behind Killian, shield herself behind his larger frame. It was a behavior she often did as a handmaiden, but now that the fawn fae wanted to become something more than that, she had to find a way to fight it. She would be angry at herself for being so scared all the time, and would grit her teeth to force herself to remain still as the two males spoke. The only voice she could manage to muster, was a soft greeting to Sirius. "Good morning, Sirius. Thank you for coming." From there she would find herself falling silent and turning to Killian to carry on without her. He was the warrior after all, he would be the one to take responsibility for Odette if they gain permission to go beyond the borders. The very idea had the woman feeling like a newborn pup, asking to go outside the den for the first time. As if a grown woman needed a babysitter. Though... her babysitter could be far.. far worse.


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.