
-- feels like forever


08-26-2013, 12:45 PM

hello my friend, we meet again; it's been awhile, where should we begin?

Ears pricked attentively in Sephiroth's direction, Angeal waited for the wolf's answer to roll from his maw. The words that he heard were comforting; Zack was still alive. And so was Cloud. The wolves that he had raised and taught to become just like him were alive. Perhaps he could start to atone for his mistakes by showing them the life that he had found here. The happiness that could be found when a wolf abandoned the life of a warrior and tried to build peace. And yet, Angeal was unsure if he wanted to bring the warrior that he had trained and taught to become a monster like himself into his life. He certainly would not take such a creature near Liste until he was absolutely certain that they would not cause any issues. Would he ever be sure of that?

Sighing, Angeal twitched his ears and exhaled sharply. "I wish you luck in finding them." Angeal spoke softly, "I am confident in your abilities. You learned from the best, after all." Was that a teasing note to his voice? Indeed it was. He was teasing, something that he never would have done before he left their pack behind. For the first time in a long time, Angeal had found happiness here.

The male took a moment to gather his thoughts once more, and answering Sephiroth took another several. "I left because I hated what I'd become. I hated myself and I hated our pack and I hated what it stood for. I know it wasn't fair of me to leave the way that I did, but I had lost myself. I didn't tell anyone because I hadn't planned to leave. One day, it just hit me that I didn't have to stay there anymore. I could leave and find a place where I could be happy. And so I did." Shrugging, the male turned his sharp blue gaze upon Sephiroth, "Now, let me ask you a question, Sephiroth. Do you think that you could be happy without being a warrior?" Angeal asked solemnly, examining the wolf who stood before him.
