Range Rover
Mint let forth a gentle laugh as he offered a 'Milady' in response to her use of 'King.' She could sense his nerves but the babe did not think his retort was lame. It brought a true smile to her lips as those light green eyes washed over his form. The young leader's expression made her grin even more. It made her think about how it would feel to rule a pack at such a young age. Figuring out yourself and your pack at the same time. Mint hardly had her own life in grasp let alone others looking to her for answers. Maybe Tyrian was born with a mind for leadership. The mahogany babe listened to the males explanation with a raised brow. With a tiny wrinkle of her nose she displayed distaste at the thought of Skunks governing the range. She looked around curiously before allowing those mint green eyes to settle on his visage. "I will not stand for such shenanigans. My mother once told me of a few ways to ward off Skunks... I will have to remember the herbs she used and put a barrier around my den." Mint did not like the idea of her new den being ransacked by the stinky creatures. She had plans to rebuild and make the wooden structure into a proper home. There was no time for set backs like skunk stench or thievery from the sneaky things. Mint then cocked her head to the side, "May I request a tour? If you aren't too busy with your Kingly duties that is." A smirk replaced the smile as her tail swished playfully. |