




8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
05-02-2020, 12:01 AM

“Pleasure to meet you, Pyrrhic” she greeted, after he took a moment to find the right words to describe himself. She had not heard of ‘Aerie’ before, but then she had been out of the loop to the changes in the land. She expected there were many, now that the volcano no longer prohibited travel to certain areas of the land. “A tinkerer!” she said, pleased. “I've collaborated with tinkerers before, they helped me craft some of the ways that I store my herbs” she admitted, explaining why she was so pleased to hear where his creativities lay.

She couldn’t agree more with him, it would be so much easier if they could find the words, and the ways, to heal themselves without outside help. Sadly, she seldom found it to be so. She didn’t say anything, just held her paw to his, offering him strength through that touch. She would find small ways to help him creep around the edges of his hurt, if she could.

Despite her willingness to help, she was surprised - and pleased - when the walls came crumbling down, and he began to describe what happened. “Then maybe someone outside of your family would be better suited for you to talk to. I’m a healer, we don’t heal-and-tell, and if you like, you don’t have to see me again after I've helped you.” through he hoped he would not want that in the end. She was enjoying spending time with the quiet, hurt man. Once she put her heart and soul into helping someone, sometimes it was hard to walk away.

The wicked, sarcastic smile he turned to her told her much about how much this hurt him, how he wanted to turn it onto others, and drive them away so he didn’t have to see the pain he held in himself. She ignored it, her fears did not lie in pain to herself. Perhaps that was part of the reason the role of healer suited her so well. “You let someone in.” she told him, squeezing the paw she held, trying not to find amusement and how she couldn’t wrap the width of her paw around very much of his own. You didn’t have to be big to help somebody.
