




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-02-2020, 12:56 AM
Riva settled down in front of him and after a moment's hesitation Pyrrhic followed suit. They were serious about this now, eh? It felt like they were preparing for a long haul and it made him nervous, honestly, but he was going to try to the best of his ability to swallow that feeling. He needed this and she was right. Even though trust didn't come easy to him (he did after all consider taking her captive to keep his secret safe - an option that still was on the table if he thought he needed it) he needed someone outside his circle of friends and family to help him. Honestly he was fortunate to have found Riva when he did.

Her statement about his poor tongue brought a faint smile to his lips. Wordlessly he picked up the flowers and began to chew them. His mouth still tasted of blood but the metallic twang was quickly masked by the herbal greenness of the flowers. When they were reduced to a pulp he forced himself to swallow the mass so as to avoid spitting a bloody, spittle laced blob somewhere in Riva's vicinity. "Thank you."

As for her question, the marigolds had given him time to consider his answer. "Were you here for the volcano eruption? I ask because I was and I wasn't I was on that mountain when it exploded." The memory washed over him and he was struck wordless. He remembered the bitter stench of the brimstone, the deafening boom and the way molten rock had rained down around him like the fiery wrath of god.

He looked up at the ceiling again. "I lost someone that day who...meant the world to me. He was everything I wanted to be and more, and he had this breathtaking connection to God. I wanted to be just like him." Pyrrhic's anger flared up again and he snarled, "He died a hero killing a bastard traitor." He stole a glance at Riva. "But...he died. And he shouldn't be dead. If he hadn't died things would be different." Guilt caused his gaze to drop to the ground.
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.